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De la 18
Următoarele pagini sunt destinate exclusiv adulților. Prin INTRAREA confirmați că aveți cel puțin 18 ani.
Das ist unsere erste Erfahrung, also ich und mein Freund, aber doch gefällt ihm schon sehr. Die hochwertigen Fesseln machen uns super Spaß. Übrigens sehr schnell zugestellt und gut verpackt.
Habe diese Handfesseln meinem Sub zum Geburtstag geschenkt. Er war restlos begeistert. Sehr gute Verarbeitung, weiches Leder. Erfüllen ihren Zweck und sehen auch noch super aus. Größe ist passend, nicht kleiner, nicht größer. Mehr als zufrieden!!
Ti piacciono le docce dorate? Il tuo tappeto un po' meno. Goditi il tuo piacere umido e poi getta il Fetish Pad nella spazzatura. Voilà! Può essere così semplice.
The Seat from MEO is incredibly simple to assemble and, at just 8.5 kg in weight, is super-lightweight. The head rest and seat height are easily adjustable with pinch screws, while the adjustable back rest has an outer foam layer for added comfort. Complete with rubber handles, this rimming seat enables you to really get a grip when it comes to your ass eating experience. It offers stability and perfect positioning for those underneath, whilst allowing those that are seated the ability to maintain their pose or push downwards. In addition, the toilet seat moves up and down, for added authenticity and humiliation where required!
Cette roulette est tout simplement l'instrument de torture ideal pour votre partenaire!il frissonnera durant toute la seance et y prendra gout avec le temps Les pointes sont impressionnante mais vous arriverai tres vite a les dompter! Un regal des sens,...
This one is pretty self-explanatory. VERYCLEAN is a disinfectant spray for use on sex toys. I was surprised at the size of the bottle, as I’ve never seen a toy cleaner that didn’t come in a 100ml size. This 200ml bottle will last ages, and I use toys multiple times a day, every day.
Just like most other cleaners, it’s best used after giving your toy a preliminary wipe down, as it doesn’t remove gunk like a soap would, especially if you leave clean up until the morning after.
There is, however, one thing that sets this spray apart from all the other ones I’ve tried; it’s amazing at getting the butt stank off silicone plugs, beads, and dildos. I don’t care who you are, or if you’ve cleaned your butt so thoroughly you can whistle through it – put a silicone toy up there and it will pick up a funky smell.
This spray annihilates that smell. Yes, I did sniff a recently cleaned butt toy, and right up close too, but after the wash-wipe-spray-air dry routine I have for all things I use anally, the smell was gone. Two thumbs up, and it’ll clean those too. Really, it says so on the bottle, and we’ve used it a few times when hands have gotten a little sticky with lubes or massage oils to great effect.